Monday, June 14, 2010

Timbaland at Rain Nightclub

Friday, June 11 - Over at Rain Nightclub, rapper Timbaland arrived with a party of 30 people around 2 a.m. They sat at a table on the stage drinking Ketel one.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tara Reid and others join a packed house at Rain Nightclub

Friday, May 28 - Rain Nightclub was packed to capacity for the weekly Z-Trip's Revolution party. Spotted were: actress Tara Reid enjoying the scene from a VIP table with one girlfriend; Pittsburgh Steelers players Bryant McFadden and Casey Hampton Jr. at a VIP table with a large group of 40 friends; Arizona Cardinals athlete Julian Rashad Johnson with 20 friends in a cabana; and Pittsburgh Steelers athlete Willie Johnson Jr. with seven friends.